Archive | May 2010

Keluarga yang memberi

Ini adalah hal yang saya pelajari dari khotbah tadi pagi di KU1 GKY Grenvil oleh Pdt. Yakub Susabda. Tema yang dibahas adalah tentang “Keluarga yang memberi”.

Pada naturnya, manusia tidak bisa memberi. Di balik memberi pasti ada motivasi-motivasi tersembunyi, entah itu ingin dibilang baik, ingin agar orang yang diberi tersebut menjadi merasa berhutang budi, ingin disenangi orang, ingin agar dimasa depan bisa dibantu oleh orang lain juga, dsb. Tidak ada orang yang bisa memberikan dengan setulus-tulusnya. Bahkan orang Kristen pun dalam memberikan mungkin masih ada motivasi2 yang terpendam. Dalam kekristenan, kebaikan tanpa kasih adalah sia-sia belaka. Seperti gong yang berkumandang dan canang yang gemerincing. Mungkin bisa digambarkan dalam kata-kata Paulus: “Demikianlah aku dapati hukum ini: jika aku menghendaki berbuat apa yang baik, yang jahat itu ada padaku.” (Rm 7:21). Karena itu untuk menjadi keluarga yang memberi, haruslah terlebih dahulu menjadi keluarga yang dewasa dan diberkati Tuhan. Bagaimana bisa menjadi berkat jika belum diberkati Tuhan?
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Windows 7: Install the same update every shutdown

I’m using Windows 7 and start getting annoyed because every time I shutdown my laptop, the Windows will install the same amount of updates. So I checked the history of updates and found that the update is failed. So I install the update manually and solved the problem. If you get the same trouble, you can do these:

  1. Check your update history. Go to Start Control Panel System and SecurityWindows Update.
  2. On the left panel, click View update history.
  3. Find the repeated failed update. Note the name and number of the update.
  4. Go to and search for the update you needed.
  5. Download and install it manually.

Hopefully your problem will go away.

Windows 7: Shutdown without installing updates

I’m using Windows 7 and start getting annoyed by installing updates on shutdown because sometimes I need to shutdown it quickly but installing updates may take a long time. Don’t disable your automatic updates cause it’s really important to keep updating your Windows 7 from known bugs. But if sometimes you need to shutdown quickly without installing updates, you can do this:

  1. Log Off your computer instead off shutdown it.
  2. Press CTRL + ALT + DEL.
  3. On the bottom right side of the screen there is a shutdown icon. Click the arrow and choose shutdown.
  4. Your Windows 7 will be shutdown directly without installing updates.

Thank You for companionship in hard times

Tadi nonton “The Book of Eli” dan doa makannya cukup mengesankan.

Dear Lord, we thank You for this meal. We thank You for a warm bed and a root over our head in a cold nights such as this.  Its been too long. We thank You for the gift of companionship in hard times like these.  Amen.”

Ya walaupun Tuhan mempersilahkan hard times terjadi, tapi Dia tidak meninggalkan sendirian. Saat iman lagi lemah dan tidak dapat bergantung kepada Tuhan saja, Dia memberikan orang-orang disekitar untuk menolong. So I want to thanks some of the people here:

  • Yang tadi ngasi gw makan dan crita2. enak loo.. ^^
  • Ado, yang biasa dengerin gw crita.
  • Si “simbiosis mutualisme” yang sama2 dalam hard times.
  • Orang yang malah nyuruh gw ngerjain tugas kuliahnya. (_ _!)
  • Temen berenang. ayo berenang lagi cui…
  • Yang ngajarin gw tersenyum pake sms =)
  • Yang ngirimin sapi balik ke gw. eeerrgghh…
  • Orang tak dikenal yang tiap hari kirim sms lucu, kamut, aneh, ayat, dll. Kadang menghibur dan menguatkan, dan menghibur dan menguatkan orang yang gw forward.
  • Pak Benny Solihin yang khotbah hari ini.
  • Obrolan sodara yang meyakinkan gw akan keputusan gw.
  • Dan orang-orang lain yang tidak dapat gw sebutkan satu per satu (sebenarnya si udah lupa sapa lagi :p)
  • And of course The One who created and give ’em all.. ^^

“Sekalipun aku berjalan dalam lembah kekelaman, aku tidak takut bahaya, sebab Engkau besertaku; gada-Mu dan tongkat-Mu, itulah yang menghibur aku.” Mzm 23:4

Spool filename with date

col filename new_value nfilename
set term off
select to_char (sysdate, 'yyy-mm-dd') || '_spool_out.txt' filename
from dual ;
set term on
spool &nfilename
spool off\


Create Image slide using javascript on Drupal

If you want to create an image slide on Drupal, one way to do it is using javascript. Here are some samples:

There are prev and next button to control your image slide. Your image will be play automatically, but you can control with button.

Here is the step by step:

  1. Download the javascript from here.
  2. Extract to your theme folder.
  3. Read More…

Jay Chou – Superman Can’t Fly

English version:

Mother says I don’t need to care about a lot of things
But the sense of mission has found me and I can’t sleep
If cursing people needs skill
Then I will add some melody, so you’ll think it’s diao
My gun is not loaded
So don’t worry, nobody will fall down
I don’t need a substitute when filming ‘Green Hornet’ because confidence is my painting pigment
The real meaning behind a lot of things I do is far from your imagination
Filming television betrayed friendship but extended my current dream
No matter how high the ratings are, they don’t see my great vision
Because my life is more than just that false impression
I don’t know when I became that so-called role model
That cheap shot the paparazzi got of me, what’s up with that?
The lyrics I sung must be of depth
Because it can became teaching material at any time
Can CNN wait and interview me when my English is better?
Can Time Magazine re-shoot that magazine cover?
I must be aware of my image; anytime, anywhere
I must control my diet otherwise I’ll turn into Madam Wax, that doesn’t look me
Hollywood’s Chinese Theatre has many many footprints
But when will you see my footprint?

If Superman can fly,
Then let me stop and rest in the air, overlooking the world again
It will make me feel better
Saving Earth is so tiring
Although I’m tired, but I’ll keep going
Don’t ask me if I’ve cried,
Because Superman cannot have tears

Singers have to get ‘Best Male Singer’
And actors can’t just get ‘Best Newcomer’
If you don’t attend award ceremonies, it’s rude
If you attend, it seems as if you care a lot
When you win, and get moved to tears,
People say you’re exaggerated and fake
If you show no expression, people say you’re arrogant
If this is your natural expression,
Then those people may even blame your mother
And in the end, if someone else wins that award,
You must be full of smile and applause
Your car can’t be too flash
You’re house can’t be too tall
Am I a singer or a good person representative?
Albums must remain the champion
Movies you film must be a hit at box office
I can only say; being Superman is really hard

If Superman can fly,
Then let me stop and rest in the air, overlooking the world again
It will make me feel better
Saving Earth is so tiring
Although I’m tired, but I’ll keep going
Don’t ask me if I’ve cried,
Because Superman cannot have tears
